Bad Combination
One of my other hobby is bowling. On a good day I can average about 120, that is if I’m not drunk before the first game. It’s a psychological game, the more I’m aiming to make 200, the more I get less than 100 per game. But it was fun. So I decided to just throw the ball and see if I can hit more pins, sometimes I get lucky and get more than 150. Guitar playing is the same, the harder you try sometimes, the more frustrating it is. So just pick it up and play and enjoy it, who cares if you miss a note. My hobbies are actually a bad combination. When I took classical lesson a long time ago, I had to grow my fingernails long. It’s a technique used to combine fingertips and fingernails and slice it through strings to make that crispier sound. The problem is after a game of bowling, I usually break a nail. But then again it’s not a perfect world. I didn’t gave up both. I don’t do the bowling as religiously as guitar anymore, but I still bowl from time to time. I might not make my goal of 200 every game but I always finished it despite an aching back and broken fingernails. As what my triathlete friend told me, it's not that you'd finished the race 20th place or 44th place or first place that matters, it's the fact that you didn't quit.