If you want something, give it first! My response to that was ??????????? Didn’t quite understood what my Aunt meant when she said that. That was over ten years ago when she visited us. The meaning of the whole thing took a long time to make sense and I had to go to a whole lot of good and bad experience to finally get the meaning. I guess it’s more of the bad ones that opened my eyes, well, not really, maybe part of it.
If you think of giving, think of money, you have to have money so you can have something to give?? So what happens if you don’t have? What are you going to give?
Traits are exactly the same, if you want trust, you have to learn how to trust, love and respect, the same thing. And that goes with all the other stuff.
I realized also that me, not capable of either one of those things mentioned, is because I never really had them. I’m not capable of loving and respecting and trusting others, because I never really did love, respect and trust myself. The good Lord always has His mysterious ways of doing things, How I’d learned mine, will be my treasure for as long as I live. I just used money as an example, has nothing to do with the whole thing.
Let’s move on to the subject. It took awhile before I finished the first part of the song. Holy cow!! I gained appreciation of people who transcribed music for a living. This is hard work. Too much work. I had a hard time, but I’m determined. I want to share this tune. I’m working on the solo part, I’ll post it also once I’m done with it. For the meantime, learn the first part and have fun. God Bless.