I had this visual picture in my head about yesterday's scenario. It kinda' shows me what life has to offer in the years to come. I wished I'd took a picture of it but 'nah, it's one of those treasured memories in the part of my head that nobody can take away. I took my parents to the airport and I really don't know when will I ever see them again, it was a sad day for me and also my other brother. But the thing that really struck me was my Dad being in the wheelchair trying to finish a bacon and egg sandwich. It took both of his hands to finish a small plastic cup of water because his hands shook too much to avoid spilling the whole thing. A couple of months ago He was in a hospital, spent two months there. I remember the second week that I thought that was it. I'm looking at my Dad pretty much in his death bed. He was swollen from all kinds of medication, chasing breath. We prepared ourselves for that. I was already tired of crying. I can cry no more. Nothing we could do but a say lot of prayers. My other brother at that time visited from New Jersey, He ended up staying for a couple of weeks so He can stay with my father. My Sister is supposed to go to Japan for a temporary work assignment, that too was pushed back so She can stay with Dad to make sure He is ok. It was so difficult to move at that time seeing a loved one in that condition, daily, i feel like im walking in a mountain of sand. A lot of friends, relatives, helped out too. We took turns watching Dad in the hospital. I remember the day He got out and He was so happy feeling the wind from the window. He's recovering but slow, I think that's due to a lot of medications and aging. The memories of him being this strong, smart, can do all attitude is still vivid in my brain. I keep forgetting that was 20 or 30 years ago.
That afternoon, I went and picked my Son up to the school bus stop, He's 6 ½ years old. Nice day so I'd just walked and while we were walking back, He told me that He had a headache and tummy ache but continued walking. I offered to carry Him but He said, " No thank you,".
I'm in the middle of this whole thing, and I was thinking someday, I will grow old, sickly and weak like my father, and my Son will take care of me, hopefully. And He will pick my grandson up in the bus stop.
One thing I noticed, prayers do work, there is somebody up there that looks down and listening and watching. I think, people don't die of illnesses if it's not time yet. You might be on a wheelchair or limping or catching your breath but if the Boss up there doesn't want you yet, you will still be alive. Loneliness, sadness, depression I think can kill someone in an instant than somebody with a quadruple bypass surgery with a loving friends and relatives.
I had to repost part 3 of the lesson, i was in a hurry i didn't include the lyrics, keep practicing and God Bless.