Hello and welcome, I've been playing guitar for over twenty years now, not professionally, just a hobby, a pastime. Actually drums were my primary instrument of choice. The very first concert i'd seen was from my high school in 1982, that was big for me. Just local kids playing cover tunes. I thought the drums were the best, didn't really pay much attention to the guitarist. I wanted to own and learn to play drums. It just happens that percussion instruments are expensive and we don't have the cash for anything else other than the basic needs. It's hard growing up poor.
My father brought a guitar one day which was given to him by a friend. It's not even in working order, cracked neck, badly warped. But it was better than nothing. We glued the neck, the warp, nothing we could do about it. It will take another 2 more years before it was being put to use because nobody knew how to play at that time expect for my Dad who knows maybe three chords and uses those for every songs he played. My Grandma plays too, only on a single string, she thought me how play Happy Birthday, the only one she knew. Later I realized, my Grandma and my Dad are actually my first guitar teachers, Dad showed me the Am, Dm, and Em chords and Grandma taught me my first lead, which of course, the Happy Birthday tune.
When I turned 16, a family had moved to our neighborhood and I found out that their son plays guitar. At the same time another one also moved in and He too played guitar. Hearing the first one played is when I decided I want to learn the instrument using the warped cracked neck guitar that we had. In order to keep it in tune we fabricate a capo made up of a small piece of bamboo held together with rubber bands, and had to be positioned all the way up to the fifth fret. I went to the second neighbor and He taught me the major and minor chords, spent a week learning that and on to learning my first whole song, Things we said today by the Beatles, I think, Em and Am as far as I can remember. And it didn't stop there until now. I didn't just developed calluses in my fingertips, with the string so high above the neck, I had to push it real hard until it bleeds. Learning, practicing in my spare time. I'm glad I did. It keeps me out of trouble while some of my old friends spend time in rehab. The only thing, I don't really know how tune it. Thank God for electronic tuners, one of the world's greatest invention, they made life easy. I really admire other players who can tune a guitar by ear.
I had my first formal guitar lesson when I bought an acoustic guitar. I've got three free lessons. I took the free lessons and quit when I'm about to pay the next ones. I took classical guitar lessons also for about a year. I'd learned a whole lot. Not necessarily musically, but the principles can be applied elsewhere. In life, you have to have patience, attention to detail and most of all discipline if you want to be successful. I didn't succeed all too well, specially in the classical guitar arena, I lack the discipline. I tried playing electric guitar too and I got tired of setting up, maybe I'm just lazy. Plug here, adjust here. There's nothing wrong in trying new things by the way. I even start collecting guitar but ended up either selling or giving them away and always go back to the first one I'm always using. Anyway as time flies, it's not about just guitars but the music it produces. You could be playing keyboard or better yet guitar hero by Nintendo or Playstation or Xbox. As long as you are having fun and relaxed. I will be sharing tunes that I've learned. I make mistakes a lot though, wrong chords, wrong keys, hopefully nobody will noticed. God Bless.